Preschool Through Secondary and Beyond

Taunggyi International School attends the intellectual, social, and personal development of our students with highly qualified educators who integrate academic excellence and student achievement.

Our educational philosophy sets the Cambridge Benchmarks (Primary Checkpoint, Secondary Checkpoint, IGCSE, AS/A Level, and Diploma levels) as a standard. These benchmarks are achieved by using Cambridge Framework as the foundation (70% of the curriculum) and expanding this framework (30%) with international curriculum, field trips, project-based learning, and enrichment programs.

Not only do our students prepare themselves through conventional academic means but they also seek intellectual fulfillment through their exploration of the natural world and their aspiration of sustainability in a harmonious future. Students apply theory to practice, gaining insight, intuition, and creativity in their academic practice.

Early Childhood Education

The Taunggyi International School philosophy of preschool honors the academic, personal, and physical growth of your child. Your child’s personal development is our primary concern. For this reason, children in our preschool classes know that they are safe, cared for and loved.  Having established a secure and nurturing environment, each child is able to explore, play, identify with their peers, begin to learn follow rules, be respectful of others and acquire the rudimentary skills of taking care of themselves and their environment.

Our facilities are bright, clean, and colorful. We design our education environments to be stimulating and safe. With lots of outings, events, presentations and excursions incorporated into our curriculum, your young child’s enquiring mind is continually encouraged to explore.

We realize that preschool children need to develop their motor skills with lots of hands-on practice. Physical development and coordination are targeted through co-curricular activities such as Physical Education, Wushu and Dance. Classroom activities are designed around a child’s need to move and play in their learning experience. As we nurture the body, we also nurture the mind.

At Taunggyi International School there are educational toys and games to further develop our youngest students’ enquiring minds and an “early years” computer-based language program to help them adapt to technology as much as they adapt to the physical world. In addition to our fluency lab for language learning, our children enjoy learning “early years” English and Chinese with native speakers.

Students learning English, Chinese, and Myanmar are able to develop into global citizens. With daily access to their languages they find immersive experiences leading to an intuitive grasp of vocabulary, strong grammar, and comprehension.

Students can start attending preschool at age 2 and early childhood education lasts for 4 years.

Primary School

The transition from Preschool to Primary school is finessed through careful attention to a child’s maturation and academic development. Our academic program recognizes that this is a challenging, exciting age, and encourages the inquisitive nature of these years. During these critical years, a child develops the tools they will need to extend themselves intellectually, interpersonally, and physically. It is throughout these years that your child begins to learn critical thinking in organized settings. These are the years when children begin to acquire academic planning skills, learn to organize their time and the resources available to them.

Taunggyi International School recognizes our students’ need for autonomy, validation, self-confidence and pride in their developing years. We foster multiple opportunities for self-actualization in hand with teamwork and collaboration. Students begin to develop their own responses and solutions to problems and questions.

Students continue to develop their brains and bodies with Physical Education, Martial Arts, Dance, outdoor activities and playtime. These years continue to be stimulating and rich with excursions, field trips, overnight camps, performances and student-led assemblies as well as enriching their lives with continued learning of their culture, history and religion.

These years also see the curricular introduction of ICT, original and creative writing, independent assignments, and the adaptation of technology. Academic rigor and critical thinking increase in these years with the introduction of a rigorous testing schedule designed to prepare students early on for their Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examinations.

For years, our scores have been consistently higher in all 3 key subjects compared to averages scored in other countries where English is a second language. Additionally, at this level, German as a foreign language is also introduced to students, adding to the language skills of Chinese, English, and Myanmar.

Students can start attending Primary-1 at age 6. The primary years continue for 6 years until Primary-6.

Secondary School

Taunggyi International School offers secondary education in line with a modern, up to date curriculum and facilities delivered by highly qualified and experienced international and local teachers that meet and exceed the latest Cambridge standards.

Arriving at the Secondary level is a monumental and meaningful step for every student. This stage presents a growing awareness and sets in motion an understanding of the world around them and their own place in it. As students shape their academic future, we ask them to consider sustainable practices, community service, and a dedication to improvement. With sharpened cognitive, evaluative, demonstrative and social skills, students gain lifelong tools that will carry them far into their chosen future in academia and/or beyond.

Taunngyi International School is a purpose-built facility where your son or daughter demonstrates their ability to reach further than their basic education in primary years. Not only does our school provide the structure, but we also focus on environment. Located in the Shan Hill, Taunggyi International school offers students a unique opportunity to explore the natural world and apply their theoretical lessons in a more practical sense. Our philosophy of education at the secondary level is one that expects students to intellectually confront assumptions, think for themselves, arrive at creative solutions and constantly question the environment around them.

Their academic career in our preschool and primary schools has prepared them to make significant contributions to their community. They understand the importance of charity, humility and independence. They have learned to distinguish right from wrong, put others first and share resources. They have a curiosity and respect for the diverse world around them.

Students can start attending Secondary-1 at age 12 and the secondary years last for 6 years until Secondary-6 (A level year).

Teaching Staff

At Taunggyi International School, our languages are taught by native speakers of English, Chinese and German from around the globe, and subjects are taught by highly qualified educators from Asian countries such as India, Philippines, and Myanmar. Teachers of all backgrounds enjoy learning about one another and about local communities. All teachers share a passion for continuous development through professional programs such as the Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications.

The Chinese, English, German and Myanmar departments are a collaborative, integrated team of international professionals. Language is a process of thought and communication. Out teams develop philosophies and strategies to provide our students with language and communication mastery whether they study 2, 3, or 4 languages.

Our staff seeks continuous development and improvement. As technology and theory develop, we are prepared to adapt to new methodologies and systems. Our goal is to determine the best guidance and education for your child and deliver it with care, consideration, and commitment.