The transition from Preschool to Primary school is finessed through careful attention to a child’s maturation and academic development. Our academic program recognizes that this is a challenging, exciting age, and encourages the inquisitive nature of these years. During these critical years, a child develops the tools they will need to extend themselves intellectually, interpersonally, and physically. It is throughout these years that your child begins to learn critical thinking in organized settings. These are the years when children begin to acquire academic planning skills, learn to organize their time and the resources available to them.
Taunggyi International School recognizes our students’ need for autonomy, validation, self-confidence and pride in their developing years. We foster multiple opportunities for self-actualization in hand with teamwork and collaboration. Students begin to develop their own responses and solutions to problems and questions.
Students continue to develop their brains and bodies with Physical Education, Martial Arts, Dance, outdoor activities and playtime. These years continue to be stimulating and rich with excursions, field trips, overnight camps, performances and student-led assemblies as well as enriching their lives with continued learning of their culture, history and religion.
These years also see the curricular introduction of ICT, original and creative writing, independent assignments, and the adaptation of technology. Academic rigor and critical thinking increase in these years with the introduction of a rigorous testing schedule designed to prepare students early on for their Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examinations.
For years, our scores have been consistently higher in all 3 key subjects compared to averages scored in other countries where English is a second language. Additionally, at this level, German as a foreign language is also introduced to students, adding to the language skills of Chinese, English, and Myanmar.
Students can start attending Primary-1 at age 6. The primary years continue for 6 years until Primary-6.