Professional Development Policy For Teachers Of BTIS Purpose And Context

Purpose And Context

Policy Statement

The school will identify organisational goals and priorities and develop and implement a range of strategies and programs to enhance and build the capacity, skills and professionalism of employees to enable them to contribute effectively to the school’s mission, vision and specific quality goals. The school is committed to providing employees with:

Procedures And Other Details

Principal, HOA and HODs are expected to consider staff requirement to plan and prioritize the need of professional development opportunities. In alignment with mission, vision, and specific quality goals of the organisation. Employees are encouraged to take an active role in their own ongoing development and to apply their learning to classroom teaching and learning to its most effective use.

Internal Professional Development Providers

The HOA of the BTIS Campus and the Senior Trainer from the sister School will engage in identifying and providing necessary professional development programme and activities for improving teaching and learning in the school.

Individual Development Plans

Individual Employee may also raise a requirement for their professional development.

External Professional Trainers from Brainworks Total Group of School

Depending upon the requirements of the employees, the board may approve external professional trainers from Brainworks Total Group of School for career development to impact teaching and learning in school.

Implementation of the professional course 

The Senior Leadership Team is responsible for implementation and effective monitoring of the professional development programme and activities in the school and assess the performance of the staff. They are also responsible for supporting the staff for further improvement.

Allocation of Budget to Meet Professional Development

The School board/ Management is expected to fund professional development activities for academic and professional employees. The budget allocation must be available to support professional development activity cost.

The school ensures equity of access for all employees when allocating resources for professional development.

New Employees

The school will provide an organisational induction program for new employees to ensure access to:

  1. Information on the School Vision, Mission and Specific Quality Goals, Governance, statutory and policy framework; organisational structure, code of conduct and core values; and conditions of employment; and
  2. Support, development and training in core skills or capabilities required for the carrying out of duties related to the position and classroom learning transaction.
Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) facilitates the recognition of employees as a professional group. A commitment to CPD by both School Board and employees enables joint responsibility for demonstrating high professional standards; reviewing current knowledge and skills; building professional capabilities; continuous quality and improvement in work practices.

CPD allows employees to actively participate in, track and monitor their continuing professional development and recognises the range of development activities that add to or broaden an individual’s body of knowledge. CPD may include formal and informal, internal, or external professional development activities such as formal short courses of study, seminars and conferences, work-based activities, professional network forums, and self-directed informal learning.

The undertaking of CPD activities should be discussed by the employee with their Principal and academic unit at the time of the annual performance/ class observation, planning and development meeting and form part of the employee’s Individual Development Plan.

A guideline of up to 27 hours of CPD every academic year is recommended as minimum CPD hours for every teaching faculty member by the school to implement CAIE curriculum. Within this framework, employees should undertake any ATL (Approaches to Teaching and Learning), or compliance-related training required from time-to-time as it relates to statutory obligations by the Education Board or application of School policies or systems.

Short Courses and Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshop

This is according to the school policy and guidelines and must be discussed with the management before taking it up during the work period.

Academic Development Program (ADP)

This is according to the school policy and guidelines and must be discussed with the management before taking it up during the work period.

Funds- Discretion of the School Board

Study Leave & Exam Leave 

As per School policy and must be discussed with the school principal and Board

Higher Duties

A temporary short-term appointment to perform the duties of a higher classified position provides eligible staff with a career development opportunity and may arise through the taking of leave, secondment or resignation of another employee who is at a higher classified position and is generally within the same organisational unit. Conditions of appointment to a higher classified position are under the discretion of the Board and School policy set by them.

Study Visit

To be approved by the School Principal.

PD Schedule:

Refer to the PD Schedule for the next 2 years for BTIS Teachers.


The Professional development policy will be reviewed regularly as a part of the PD cycle and as a part of the whole school on a regular basis which helps us to appraise the process.